
Ichi Bun Zutsu (一文ずつ)

A screenshot of Ichi Bun Zutsu, a web app for Japanese reading practice

A web app to practice reading Japanese, one sentence at a time. It's intended for Japanese language learner to practice kanji reading in context sentences. Learner can type in the reading of the sentence and then compare it with the correct reading. It supports syncing with WaniKani (a web app for kanji learning), that would tailor the sentences according to the user's WaniKani level.

Web App Link:
Tech Stack: TypeScript, Next.js, Material UI
Source Code:

Campus Bot

Promotion material for Campus Bot, a Telegram Bot for collecting campus-related information

A Telegram bot built for my master thesis project "Crowdsourced Knowlege Base Construction using Text-Based Conversational Agents". The bot collected campus-related information though a conversational interface. The bot is not accessible anymore, but the source code is available on GitHub.

Tech Stack: Python, Flask, Telegram Bot API, Firebase
Source Code: